Thursday 31 October 2013

playlist of the month: November

Even though I've still got one exam to do tomorrow, it feels like weekend right now. I'm just sitting here, on my blue retro looking chair with only a cup of tea (Sweet Chai by YogiTea is amaaaaazing) and some good music on.

And that's what brings me straight to the content of this post - the playlist I enjoy listening to in November.

  1. November - Gabrielle Aplin (of course!)
  2. Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford And Sons
  3. Lewis Watson - Into The Wild
  4. You Already Know - Bombay Bicycle Club
  5. Ashes And Wine - A Fine Frenzy
  6. The Time To Sleep - Marble Sounds (a personal favourite)
  7. The Days We Care about - Marble Sounds (because one song is not enough)
  8. Retrograde - James Blake

Since there's no snow yet (at least not where I live) and talking about the beautiful colours of autumn leaves is slowly getting old, I figured rain would fit this month's playlist best. There's nothing much to say about the following photos. I took them a few weeks back, on a (as I find) beautiful rainy day. 

I hope you enjoyed the playlist of the month (as well as the photos). Feel free to tell me what your favourite song is at the moment! 

P.S Happy Halloween everybody! I'd tell you about my oh so amazing costume I'm planning to wear... but, unfortunately... I don't have one. Too bad ;)

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