Tuesday, 29 October 2013

back on track

Well... Since I haven't been uploading as many posts as I have when I very first started this blog, I figured I owed you an explanation of what's going on: The first thing that comes to mind here is the fact that I am a student living a life that is almost completely filled with nothing but schoolwork. However, there's something else that stopped me from posting as regularly as I did before - I've been feeling very unmotivated (and not creative at all). But I got my motivation back somehow, woho!

I'm writing this blog post whilst lying in bed. It's 2 am in the morning and falling asleep seems nearly impossible due to all the ideas that are stuck in my brain. I feel like creating something, anything energy consuming really. (I was thinking about starting studying maths earlier but then again, don't be silly, excited me)

I guess the sudden energy mainly comes from a picture (implying a statement) I found on the Internet the other day. (And from a few cups of coffee, but that's yet another story) It made my uncertainty about things fade right away, so I felt like keeping it back from you guys out there (who might not feel super duper motivated at the moment as well) wouldn't be too nice! 

source: http://booksdirect.tumblr.com

I added some more pictures I found later on, which I really like. Also, I came up with a short list of things that might get you back on track. (I'm loving the title of today's post as you can tell from now, I guess. I feel like it'd be a really great song title as well haha) 

(from left to right, top to bottom) sources:
http://www.mitzivines.com / http://www.wisdomtimes.com / http://gloriamarie.com / http://www.pinterest.com / http://pfaffilive.wordpress.com / http://iheartinspiration.com / http://wekosh.com / http://thebiggeridea.co.uk / http://www.searchquotes.com

Here goes the list of things that help you get back on track:

1 Face the facts; What stops you from doing whatever you want/have to do? Why don't you just go for it? Just do it! 

2 Find yourself a few (or even just one) inspiring quotes, just like I did. (Feel free to choose some out of the selection I am showing you in this blog post) Make them your lockscreen or print them out and place them somewhere (at home or even at work) you get to see them as often as possible!

3 Scroll through your music files (or check out some new stuff on YouTube or wherever you get new music from) and try to find some motivational songs - aka be a music spotter! Once you've found a song that makes you feel better, play it whilst doing whatever you have/want to do or even just whenever you feel a bit unhappy. (One particular song that keeps motivating me is 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic. As I've mentioned in one of my posts before (I think) they're my all time favourite band and this one song just never gets old. Also, it kind of helped me achieving an acceptable grade in french class last year, woho)

4 Have a look at some of the things you've made in your life so far such as drawings and paintings (if you're an artist), photos (if you're a photographer) or poems and simple texts (if you're a writer). Try to find out what helped you make them back then. Where did you get the inspiration from? If you simply struggle with doing your schoolwork, I'd suggest to look at some tests (good grades) that made you feel good.

5 Be patient. Take a long walk, meet some friends or go shopping - do something that distracts you from your work. Sometimes you just need to clear your mind a bit.

You can basically make use of this list anytime you're in need of motivation. It doesn't matter what you're struggling with, I think. Also, note that I am probably one of the least motivated people when it comes to doing anything I have to do. I then always try to imagine that the things I have to do are things I want to do. Still, this list has helped me in some cases before so... You might want to try it out too! :)

Lots of love


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