Saturday 12 October 2013

things I heart #1

Hello lovellie people!

I always find writing an exciting intro very difficult. It's either too long, too short, too dull or it just does not fit the actual blogpost topic. That's why I totally look up to bloggers - people in general actually - who are good at writing such a text. Someone teach me, please!

However, I think the title of today's blogpost is (luckily) very self-explanatory. So there's no need for a great intro. Phew! I'm basically going to introduce you to three of my current favourite things - things I love.

ONE: The first thing on my 'things I heart' list is this lovely colourful rucksack with it's (kind of) oriental pattern. I bought it back in summer, when I went to London (Oh my, how I miss this place!) for a few days, in an Accessorize shop for about 35 pounds, I think. I've loved it ever since and it's a really good rucksack for school or short trips. I'd keep the outfit to combine it to very simple and not too colourful, to make it stand out even more. Cute boots or sneakers (I'm thinking converse here) are never wrong!

Here are some more photos:

Check out for more information.

TWO: The second thing I want to talk about today is one of the few perfumes that I own. Since I'm totally not the kind of girl who's into perfumes a lot, I always have one to two bottles at one time and that's it. This one was given to me by my lovely auntie a while back, due to a good certificate, I think. It's just this nice rosy smell by l'Occitane that you can wear pretty much any time of the day. It's not too floraly nor too sweet - it's perfect (at least for me).

More photos:

Check out for more information.

THREE: The last thing on my list for today is a nail polish (it's actually a top coat) by essence (very low price!) that came out just a few weeks ago here in Switzerland. It's not a common nail polish though, as this one promises to glow in the dark. What?! The coolest thing about it is that it really actually works. Not too long though: After a few minutes the glowing effect slowly fades away. Whatever. Still such a cool thing to wear on a night out or so! But same thing with nail polishes as with perfumes with me - I don't own many. 

More photos:

Check out for more information. 

Well, that was it for today's blogpost. I really hope you enjoyed it. If you did, make sure to leave me a comment below, so I know making another one of these is a good choice. Also feel free to tell me what your favourite things are at the moment - no matter what category! :)


side note: Tomorrow's the last day before school starts again, which makes today the second last day of holidays. Such bad news!  
I'm afraid I won't be able to post as many blogposts a week as I did so far, due to all the tests and whatnot there is in school :( 
Totally looking forward to the next holidays though, which will be Christmas break. WOHO! 

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