Thursday, 31 October 2013

playlist of the month: November

Even though I've still got one exam to do tomorrow, it feels like weekend right now. I'm just sitting here, on my blue retro looking chair with only a cup of tea (Sweet Chai by YogiTea is amaaaaazing) and some good music on.

And that's what brings me straight to the content of this post - the playlist I enjoy listening to in November.

  1. November - Gabrielle Aplin (of course!)
  2. Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford And Sons
  3. Lewis Watson - Into The Wild
  4. You Already Know - Bombay Bicycle Club
  5. Ashes And Wine - A Fine Frenzy
  6. The Time To Sleep - Marble Sounds (a personal favourite)
  7. The Days We Care about - Marble Sounds (because one song is not enough)
  8. Retrograde - James Blake

Since there's no snow yet (at least not where I live) and talking about the beautiful colours of autumn leaves is slowly getting old, I figured rain would fit this month's playlist best. There's nothing much to say about the following photos. I took them a few weeks back, on a (as I find) beautiful rainy day. 

I hope you enjoyed the playlist of the month (as well as the photos). Feel free to tell me what your favourite song is at the moment! 

P.S Happy Halloween everybody! I'd tell you about my oh so amazing costume I'm planning to wear... but, unfortunately... I don't have one. Too bad ;)

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

back on track

Well... Since I haven't been uploading as many posts as I have when I very first started this blog, I figured I owed you an explanation of what's going on: The first thing that comes to mind here is the fact that I am a student living a life that is almost completely filled with nothing but schoolwork. However, there's something else that stopped me from posting as regularly as I did before - I've been feeling very unmotivated (and not creative at all). But I got my motivation back somehow, woho!

I'm writing this blog post whilst lying in bed. It's 2 am in the morning and falling asleep seems nearly impossible due to all the ideas that are stuck in my brain. I feel like creating something, anything energy consuming really. (I was thinking about starting studying maths earlier but then again, don't be silly, excited me)

I guess the sudden energy mainly comes from a picture (implying a statement) I found on the Internet the other day. (And from a few cups of coffee, but that's yet another story) It made my uncertainty about things fade right away, so I felt like keeping it back from you guys out there (who might not feel super duper motivated at the moment as well) wouldn't be too nice! 


I added some more pictures I found later on, which I really like. Also, I came up with a short list of things that might get you back on track. (I'm loving the title of today's post as you can tell from now, I guess. I feel like it'd be a really great song title as well haha) 

(from left to right, top to bottom) sources: / / / / / / / /

Here goes the list of things that help you get back on track:

1 Face the facts; What stops you from doing whatever you want/have to do? Why don't you just go for it? Just do it! 

2 Find yourself a few (or even just one) inspiring quotes, just like I did. (Feel free to choose some out of the selection I am showing you in this blog post) Make them your lockscreen or print them out and place them somewhere (at home or even at work) you get to see them as often as possible!

3 Scroll through your music files (or check out some new stuff on YouTube or wherever you get new music from) and try to find some motivational songs - aka be a music spotter! Once you've found a song that makes you feel better, play it whilst doing whatever you have/want to do or even just whenever you feel a bit unhappy. (One particular song that keeps motivating me is 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic. As I've mentioned in one of my posts before (I think) they're my all time favourite band and this one song just never gets old. Also, it kind of helped me achieving an acceptable grade in french class last year, woho)

4 Have a look at some of the things you've made in your life so far such as drawings and paintings (if you're an artist), photos (if you're a photographer) or poems and simple texts (if you're a writer). Try to find out what helped you make them back then. Where did you get the inspiration from? If you simply struggle with doing your schoolwork, I'd suggest to look at some tests (good grades) that made you feel good.

5 Be patient. Take a long walk, meet some friends or go shopping - do something that distracts you from your work. Sometimes you just need to clear your mind a bit.

You can basically make use of this list anytime you're in need of motivation. It doesn't matter what you're struggling with, I think. Also, note that I am probably one of the least motivated people when it comes to doing anything I have to do. I then always try to imagine that the things I have to do are things I want to do. Still, this list has helped me in some cases before so... You might want to try it out too! :)

Lots of love


Saturday, 12 October 2013

things I heart #1

Hello lovellie people!

I always find writing an exciting intro very difficult. It's either too long, too short, too dull or it just does not fit the actual blogpost topic. That's why I totally look up to bloggers - people in general actually - who are good at writing such a text. Someone teach me, please!

However, I think the title of today's blogpost is (luckily) very self-explanatory. So there's no need for a great intro. Phew! I'm basically going to introduce you to three of my current favourite things - things I love.

ONE: The first thing on my 'things I heart' list is this lovely colourful rucksack with it's (kind of) oriental pattern. I bought it back in summer, when I went to London (Oh my, how I miss this place!) for a few days, in an Accessorize shop for about 35 pounds, I think. I've loved it ever since and it's a really good rucksack for school or short trips. I'd keep the outfit to combine it to very simple and not too colourful, to make it stand out even more. Cute boots or sneakers (I'm thinking converse here) are never wrong!

Here are some more photos:

Check out for more information.

TWO: The second thing I want to talk about today is one of the few perfumes that I own. Since I'm totally not the kind of girl who's into perfumes a lot, I always have one to two bottles at one time and that's it. This one was given to me by my lovely auntie a while back, due to a good certificate, I think. It's just this nice rosy smell by l'Occitane that you can wear pretty much any time of the day. It's not too floraly nor too sweet - it's perfect (at least for me).

More photos:

Check out for more information.

THREE: The last thing on my list for today is a nail polish (it's actually a top coat) by essence (very low price!) that came out just a few weeks ago here in Switzerland. It's not a common nail polish though, as this one promises to glow in the dark. What?! The coolest thing about it is that it really actually works. Not too long though: After a few minutes the glowing effect slowly fades away. Whatever. Still such a cool thing to wear on a night out or so! But same thing with nail polishes as with perfumes with me - I don't own many. 

More photos:

Check out for more information. 

Well, that was it for today's blogpost. I really hope you enjoyed it. If you did, make sure to leave me a comment below, so I know making another one of these is a good choice. Also feel free to tell me what your favourite things are at the moment - no matter what category! :)


side note: Tomorrow's the last day before school starts again, which makes today the second last day of holidays. Such bad news!  
I'm afraid I won't be able to post as many blogposts a week as I did so far, due to all the tests and whatnot there is in school :( 
Totally looking forward to the next holidays though, which will be Christmas break. WOHO! 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

lots of photos


If you've read through my first blogpost, you'll already know that I love rain very much. Well, today it is one of those lovely rainy days. And even though it's not raining at the moment actually, the weather still has that grey tone to it that I love. Therefore I'm actually in a pretty good mood, even though I've got a bunch of things to do (for school) over the holidays I'd rather choose not to do. But let's be honest: who actually does their schoolwork in terms of holidays?! That's right, no one does (at least nobody I know).

Well, back to the topic of today's post. I had originally planned to write some sort of 'my week in pictures' blogpost or something similar. But then again, I felt like that was not original at all and I actually promised you to make this blog something special, since being mainstream is not what I'm going for, I guess. And despite that, there's also the fact that I - and I'm truly sorry about that - actually forgot to take pictures on most days. Oops! So no photos of my food, no photos of any shopping items I purchased during the last week, no 'oh that's so super duper random' pics and surely no mirror selfies. 

In fact, I actually went for a more special, yet classy way (wow, I can almost hear the trumpets, announcing the "oh so special thing", playing in the background). I just took some photos with my camera of things I saw during the last week. What a surprise! And even though this post is surely nothing (that) special, I'm still happy with the way the photos turned out, since I personally like the pictures I randomly shoot a lot more than the ones I plan to take.

Enough (pointless) talking, enjoy the photos: 

If you have any good ideas for a better intro/salutation (I'm obviously totally desperate about this one), if you want to give me some feedback on the photos or if you'd simply like to tell me how your week was, feel free to leave me a comment below!
It would definitely make my day :)


P.S I'm aware of the fact I seem to like the word 'actually'. Using it 6 times in only one short blogpost is way too much. I'm working on it, slowly getting better, I promise.

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Hello lovellie people!

In my first post I told you that I collect (old) postcards. As you can tell from the title of this post, it's all about postcards this time. But not the ones I collect, more of the ones I make myself.

On a rainy day last October (aka one year ago) I decided to start making my own postcards. That was because I had heard of some 'create and sell your own postcards'-event that was about to start in my hometown, Basel (Switzerland). They named it 'postkartenfestival' (which I hope you understand since I have no clue how to translate it, if not word by word).

The hosts basically encouraged people to let go of any doubts they may have (head) and start getting as creative as possible (heart). And that's what I liked about it so much.

The only thing you needed to do before starting to live your creativity to the fullest, was read through the rules, accept them and sign in with your name, email address and website (if existing). Also they demanded for 20 Swiss francs (which is about 16 euros, 22 US dollars or 14 pounds, just in case you were wondering) and 20 percent of the total price (which you were able to decide on yourself, btw) of every postcard you sold to someone. That's a pretty good deal if you take account of the fact that everyone - independent of age, job or any other characteristics - could join the event and no one (except for the hosts) had to mind any kind of advertising or exhibition room organisation. You could completely focus on your creative work - the postcards.

And great news! The best part about the whole post: The exact same event is planned to take place again in a restaurant/cafe called 'Unternehmen Mitte' (in Basel) on the 2nd of November this year. In fact it's the eighth event hosted by the same lovely people. Same event - same conditions.

So, if you live in Switzerland (preferably in Basel or at least nearby), you should definitely sign up on their website and start making your own creations - today! It's loads of fun, I promise. And to those who don't consider themselves as creative people (you all are though. Deep inside. I know it! ;)): There's still the option of simply coming around, enjoying the postcards other people created and maybe even buying one or two.

note: Even though the whole event seems to be about common postcards, always remember that people actually made all of them themselves, probably investing a lot of time. Therefore the postcards are more like tiny works of art. That means you get to buy unique copies, which you can frame and put up on your wall, next to some black'n'white photographs or whatever floats your boat, for very little money.

Please, check out their website for more information HERE and read through the instruction paper HERE, if you want to join the event (you only need to sign up if you actually want to make postcards, of course). Both is written in german, so... I'm afraid, I won't be able to translate everything on there for you.

Well, back to the first lines of the second paragraph - the postcards I make.

just a few of the postcards I made last year due to the event
1. That weird-looking paper thing is actually the inside part of an envelope I found on my mum's desk. The pair of eyes was cut out of a fashion magazine.
2. The heart right in the centre of the postcard was printed out of the computer (no, I wasn't able to simply cut it out of a coloured paper that precisely ;)). The objects around it were cut out of a few fashion magazines and newspapers, I think.
3. Look out, this might sound a bit weird, but I tend to always divide the human face into three groups (only in my head, of course): eyes, nose and mouth. Whenever I'll meet someone new, I most likely won't just look at them and see the face as one 'thing'.
Well, that's how this postcard and a few of the followings came into existence.
4. Same story as in number three basically.
5. This one's a little different to all the others. It kind of stands out, I find. It's made out of a ton of mouths I cut out of a magazine. Just in case you haven't figured out yet, the letters are meant to say 'LAUGH'.
6. Same story as in number three and four. Plus, if you look closely, you'll figure that some parts of the background are the same paper as in number one.
7. Best. By far my favourite postcard out of the ones I've made so far. Let me tell you, cutting out all the words and short phrases wasn't the easiest thing to do.
8. Totally oppositional to the last one, since this one's probably my least favourite postcard. Same story as in number three, four and six.
9. I made this one out of the words and phrases, which were left from creating number seven. The main letters, which are apart from the rest, form the word 'SMILE' (diagonally), which I later on marked by adding neonish colours to it.
10. Hi. There's nothing much to say about this one, I think. I just felt like making it. Bye.

Well, those were the postcards I've picked to show you. Go ahead and tell me what you think about them in the comments below! I'm amenable for advice. Also try to find out whose eyes, nose and mouth I've picked to work with in number three, four, six and eight, if you want to :)

If you're wondering, if I'll be handing in any (new) postcards to join the event this year, I'll have to disappoint you. I will surely be there, but I won't sell any postcards. But my mum will! She's a very creative and - most important - talented person. Her postcards are completely different to mine. She works with collages too though, so that's what makes me like them so much, I guess. You should definitely sneak in and have a look! They're worth it a hundred, if not a thousand times :)

And if you live in Switzerland (or you just love travelling very much) and you've decided to join the event too, then that makes me even more happy! I'd be absolutely thrilled if you showed me some of your work or told me about it in the comments below. Even if you don't make postcards due to the event I've been talking about throughout the entire post (sorry about that, btw).

Without further ado, have fun making postcards! :)

xx Ellie

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

playlist of the month: October

Hello lovellie people!

I know it's only been two days since I last published a post but I just couldn't wait any longer and I thought since today is the first day of October, I'd make a list of my eight favourite autumn songs. 

I really hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do.

  1. All I Want - Kodaline
  2. Sink Or Swim - Lewis Watson
  3. Lover Of The Light - Mumford & Sons
  4. Calgary - Bon Iver
  5. Wax - Theme Park
  6. It's Time - Imagine Dragons
  7. Evaporate - Gabrielle Aplin
  8. Mr Polite - The Jungle Giants
note: Gabrielle Aplin (number 7 on this month's playlist) is one of my all time favourite british singer-songwriters, so be prepared for many more of her songs to be mentioned by me (either in another playlist of the month or any other post). 
If you'd like to get to know more about her and the (as I find) flawless music she composes, check out her website HERE or look up her YouTube channel. 
You also won't regret buying any of her songs on iTunes. I promise, they're totally worth it.

Well, those were the songs. I don't really know what genre I'd attach them to, but it's basically the kind of music I personally like. 
If that was completely NOT the type of music you'd choose to listen to, then I am sorry. Stay tuned for the next few posts. Those will be different and more of what you enjoy, I hope. To everyone who didn't (of course also to those who did) like my playlist of the month - which I'll probably repeat every month from now on - I have a photo that I took about a year ago to show (wow, that rhymed!). It matches autumn and it's beautiful colours very well, I think.

Have a lovellie day! 
xx Ellie

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